Here is the first official promo image of the next series coming from Obsidian Studios. We are keeping really tight lipped about this as it is a very special project. But we have plans to have it out in early 2011. Tell us what you think? Are you curious?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New Black Dame Page!
The newest page of Black Dame is up right now! I am very excited about this page as I feel like it is pushing me further to try new things every day. I hope you Moonwatchers are checking out the book, and spreading the word if you are liking the webcomic at all. Thanks so much for looking at the comic. Please leave some feedback if you can, if you would like actually. And I hope you will keep coming back!
The link for the Black Dame is on the right hand side of the page for those of you visiting for the first time. Thanks and see you next week!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Black Dame Has Arrived!
Today is the dawn of the Black Dame! And right here, I am showing the cover of the comic book to the world right now. I hope that you all like it, and will plan on following the book on a regular basis. The first page will be up on Wednesday Morning and then updated every Wednesday for the next 10 weeks! I am currently in the stages of creating a blog page for the webcomic, so that it will be easier for everyone to navigate through. All of the pages will be uploaded through there and be accessible through the Obsidian Studios website coming very soon, and the comic page. So for right now, enjoy the cover of the Black Dame, and see you Wednesday for the first page!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Introducing... The Sketches of Ian Walker - 2010 Sketchbook
This is the newest sketchbook that I am coming out with this year. Being that I am taking my artwork seriously more now, and since I have about 8 months to get my name out there a bit before WonderCon 2011, I felt that it was time to create a brand new sketch book.
This sketchbook is called: Introducing... The Sketches of Ian Walker. It is going to be a 24 pg sketchbook and will be fulled with black and white sketches, pinups, and other line art most that have not been seen. But just a note for you all that this book will contain mostly ROUGH UNFINISHED sketches. The finished works within, or inked works will be few, but they will be there. My purpose is to create a SKETCHBOOK. Not finished pinup sketches.
The last page of the book will be left blank for sketches in the back for a free one of a kind sketch for those that purchase one from me. The cover will be a glossy card stock, and it will cost $10 + $2 U.S/$5 overseas. If you would like to get a special B&W sketch card with your purchase of whatever character you choose, add an additional $10 to the total. So this is a deal you are getting. A sketchbook AND a B&W Inked Custom sketch card for $20! What more could you want!?
This sketchbook will be available for purchase solely through mail order either here by note, or through my blog. This will be limited to only 100 copies. The book will be available for purchase on October 1, 2010.
HOWEVER!!! Right now, 15 copies are available NOW for Pre-Order. The limit is one per person. ALL PRE-ORDERS WILL GET THE SKETCH CARD INCLUDED FREE!!! This applies ONLY if you pre-order before Oct 1. This is a thank you for those that are supporting me. If you are interested, send a note to me with what characters you want, one in the book and the other for the sketch card. If you get it in time, you will receive the PayPal address to send it to.
Thanks again everyone, and I hope to hear from you guys soon!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Countdown to the Black Dame begins now!
Probably the first title from Obsidian Studios that folks have been waiting on, and readily anticipating is almost here. There are a few kinks that need to get worked out, but the fact is that it is almost here. September 28th 2010, the Black Dame web comic will be here! The story that will be shown during the next 10 weeks is going to be the first 10 page story arc to the first issue that will be released online later on at the end of the year in print; and then debut at WonderCon 2011 to the public!
So there is something that I need you guys all to do. I need you all to go tell your friends, your workmates, classmates, anyone that likes comic books to get here. There is going to be a special contest for the launch of the comic book toward the end of the month, but it's a surprise. I want folks to be here to find out for themselves. So take this timer, plaster it on your personal blogs, facebook pages or whatever, and spread the word. See you Moonwatchers in 20 days...
So there is something that I need you guys all to do. I need you all to go tell your friends, your workmates, classmates, anyone that likes comic books to get here. There is going to be a special contest for the launch of the comic book toward the end of the month, but it's a surprise. I want folks to be here to find out for themselves. So take this timer, plaster it on your personal blogs, facebook pages or whatever, and spread the word. See you Moonwatchers in 20 days...
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Road to WonderCon 2011
So another update is in order. About two weeks ago, we put in an application for WonderCon 2011 to get an Artist Alley table. We have big plans to get there, but have come across one BIG problem. There is no money!!! All the cash used out of pocket has gone to creating the comics and hiring people to do promo material. So instead of just hoping and wishing on stars to help us get there, we are going to use hard work, and determination to get there. But even more so, I hope to get you Moonwatchers to help out a bit. So with that said, we are opening up Commission to be taken in order to earn the cash to get to WonderCon next year, and sit in Artist Alley.
If you would like to get your hands on some Obsidian Studios artwork done by Ian Walker, who's work you have seen in White Ninja Guy, and Black Dame previews, commission us following the information below! Now be alerted, that in order to get the commission, you must follow directions PRECISELY and follow ALL regulations in order to get one. So here is what is available to get for commission.
Sizes and Pricing:
Full Color 5.5 x 8.5 Matted - $35 ~ Pencil/Inked - $30
Full Color 8.5 x 11 Cardstock Paper - $35 ~ Pencil/Inked - $25 (Bust shots are $5 cheaper than original price)
Full Color 9 x 12 Bristol - $45 ~ Pencil/Inked - $40
Full Color 11 x 17 Bristol - $75 ~ Pencil/Inked - $65
Additional Characters - $25
Detailed Background - $25
Extra Items:
Full Color Sketch Card - $20 ~ Pencil/Inked - $15
Instructions to get a commission:
To get your hands on a commission, send an email to:, with all information about your character. (Links & and other personal notes) References and the size you want to get your commission in. Also include your shipping address. After it is approved, I will give you a note with the PayPal address payment must be sent to. IMMEDIATE PAYMENT IS REQUIRED so please be ready to buy the item. If you can't get the commission currently, then please don't send a request. This allows those that do have the cash to get a spot, and time not be wasted on both our parts. All prices listed above include shipping, and know that your artwork will be shipped in protective covers and packaging. There are 10 slots available right now, so grab them fast. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you all so much!
If you would like to get your hands on some Obsidian Studios artwork done by Ian Walker, who's work you have seen in White Ninja Guy, and Black Dame previews, commission us following the information below! Now be alerted, that in order to get the commission, you must follow directions PRECISELY and follow ALL regulations in order to get one. So here is what is available to get for commission.
Sizes and Pricing:
Extra Items:
To get your hands on a commission, send an email to:, with all information about your character. (Links & and other personal notes) References and the size you want to get your commission in. Also include your shipping address. After it is approved, I will give you a note with the PayPal address payment must be sent to. IMMEDIATE PAYMENT IS REQUIRED so please be ready to buy the item. If you can't get the commission currently, then please don't send a request. This allows those that do have the cash to get a spot, and time not be wasted on both our parts. All prices listed above include shipping, and know that your artwork will be shipped in protective covers and packaging. There are 10 slots available right now, so grab them fast. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you all so much!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Black Dame Update!!!
Hey everyone, just wanted to write a new journal to let everyone know the status of our newest Obsidian Studios title, The Black Dame. Right now, I have one of the covers completed, and drawn by myself for one of the three covers that I will be putting out. Also completed right now, is the first page of the first 10 page story of the Black Dame. The comic will contain two self-contained, yet connecting stories that are 10-12 pages each. I think that this will make it easier for me personally to get the comics out in a timely manner, but also allow me to tell a story in the way I want to, to take my time in doing it, and make it something you will want to come back to.
On September 28th 2010, the first story in the Black Dame comic will be available online as a weekly webcomic that will update every Tuesday. The cover will be released the day before, and then the first page the following day, and every Tuesday thereafter for the next 10 weeks. On Friday, I would like to post a combination of some concept artwork, and fan art if any on the site to keep appetites hungry for more Black Dame. So feel free to do some if you would like.
The comic book will be in COLOR!!! This is going to be something that I hope excites you all and something that you will be looking forward to. I hope to attract more readers. Right now it seems that the book, and character is resonating with women, and I think that it's a good thing. One thing I would like to do is get your input ladies as to what kind of strong female characters you like, and what you would like to see in a female character that would make her different than most out there. I have done that in certain ways I think with Black Dame. But I think that getting your input will help make her a better character during the creative process of the story, if you all like it enough for me to keep going with it.
What do I mean when I say, 'if you like it enough'? Well, the fact is, that the webcomic is going to be the gauge to see if you Moonwatchers like it. In the beginning of next year, the comic will be released on a small scale which will have the 1st and 2nd story. And if all goes really well in concerns with plans for the future, I hope to debut the comic publicly at WonderCon 2011. So with that said, I urge you all to please go and spread the word. The artist on the comic is Ian Walker (myself) formerly known as Darkmyster here on DA. To see my other sketch card and original art, check me out at -----> The Art of Ian D.Walker and follow! But most importantly, follow us here as we will be using the site to bring the comic there, and showing more updates!
Thank you all so much for taking a look and reading Moonwatchers! Hope to hear from you soon!
Ian W.
On September 28th 2010, the first story in the Black Dame comic will be available online as a weekly webcomic that will update every Tuesday. The cover will be released the day before, and then the first page the following day, and every Tuesday thereafter for the next 10 weeks. On Friday, I would like to post a combination of some concept artwork, and fan art if any on the site to keep appetites hungry for more Black Dame. So feel free to do some if you would like.
The comic book will be in COLOR!!! This is going to be something that I hope excites you all and something that you will be looking forward to. I hope to attract more readers. Right now it seems that the book, and character is resonating with women, and I think that it's a good thing. One thing I would like to do is get your input ladies as to what kind of strong female characters you like, and what you would like to see in a female character that would make her different than most out there. I have done that in certain ways I think with Black Dame. But I think that getting your input will help make her a better character during the creative process of the story, if you all like it enough for me to keep going with it.
What do I mean when I say, 'if you like it enough'? Well, the fact is, that the webcomic is going to be the gauge to see if you Moonwatchers like it. In the beginning of next year, the comic will be released on a small scale which will have the 1st and 2nd story. And if all goes really well in concerns with plans for the future, I hope to debut the comic publicly at WonderCon 2011. So with that said, I urge you all to please go and spread the word. The artist on the comic is Ian Walker (myself) formerly known as Darkmyster here on DA. To see my other sketch card and original art, check me out at -----> The Art of Ian D.Walker and follow! But most importantly, follow us here as we will be using the site to bring the comic there, and showing more updates!
Thank you all so much for taking a look and reading Moonwatchers! Hope to hear from you soon!
Ian W.
Monday, August 16, 2010
New Black Dame Promo Image
Hey Moonwatchers! To ramp up some anticipation for the Black Dame webcomic, we have taken the time to create a new promotional poster to advertise the webcomic and hope that you guys are getting just as excited as we are. The poster has the date of when the comic will hit the web as well. Let us know what you guys think about it!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Black Dame Thumbnail Images!
Hey everyone! I'm sorry that it has taken so long for me to update this, but we have been really busy getting comics done. The first two stories have been written for the Black Dame, and now we are moving into the next phase of the process, which is layout and thumbnails. Below are the first two pages of the first story. I will be revealing more as time goes on up until the official release of the webcomic here.
To let everyone know, there is an official release date for the Black Dame story which will be revealed first as a 10 page webcomic story here online. That date is Monday, September 27th 2010. The cover will be up on up on that date, and then the first page will be shown on Tuesday September 28th, and updated every Tuesday until the story is finished. On Fridays, there will be updates as far as the progress of the story and the comics, to keep your appetites wet for the story as well. I will be taking fan art of the characters as well, and those that are sent will be put up on the blog here on Fridays.
This is a project that I am really excited about, and I hope that everyone is looking forward to it as well! Be sure to follow the Obsidian Studios blog to stay up on what is going on as well. I want to thank you for your time and patience. If you Moonwatchers have any questions, be sure to let us know, or leave a comment to let us know what you think!
Ian W.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Indie a Go-Go Fundraiser for The Black Dame
So we have taken the time to try and earn some cash on our newest Obsidian Studios comic project, The Black Dame. The funds will be used to get more equipment, and supplies as well as supplement payment for independent publishing if our efforts at a well known publisher Image doesn't work out. We want to also have variant covers, and create a limited number of special edition sketch covers of the book as well. So the goal is to try and raise about $3200 to get things further in gear. Yes, we are going as fast as we can right now without the cash, but the money will help go a long way, and allow us to get things moving in an efficient manner. Like Comic Con tables and promotion and other things pertaining to marketing the comic. We need to pay artists and writers also that may do some things related to the story, so this is the plan right now.
So I'm sure you are wondering... Are there any perks!? Well OF COURSE THERE ARE!!! Everyone that contributes will get some special recognition as well as prizes for everyone that donates something. Donations start at $10 and up. But if you can only donate less than that, that is okay too. We just are hoping to get enough to move with a valuable asset and get them going faster. There is a link on the side of the page that will direct you to the project. As the project progresses, there will be regular updates and other things put up so that you all can follow the process of the creation of The Black Dame from inception to creation to finish. Again, we thank you all so much for stopping by on a regular basis to see what is going on, and supporting us. There will be more updates soon so stay tuned!!!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
So I'm sure you are wondering... Are there any perks!? Well OF COURSE THERE ARE!!! Everyone that contributes will get some special recognition as well as prizes for everyone that donates something. Donations start at $10 and up. But if you can only donate less than that, that is okay too. We just are hoping to get enough to move with a valuable asset and get them going faster. There is a link on the side of the page that will direct you to the project. As the project progresses, there will be regular updates and other things put up so that you all can follow the process of the creation of The Black Dame from inception to creation to finish. Again, we thank you all so much for stopping by on a regular basis to see what is going on, and supporting us. There will be more updates soon so stay tuned!!!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Monday, July 19, 2010
Moonwatchers News!!!
The first contest of Obsidian Studios is here!!! Check it out!
This is a contest where EVERYONE is a winner so to speak. We folks here at Obsidian Studios are going to be creating an artbook that will be showcasing the new stories and such from the studio. We want to have a section for Fan Art, and we want you all to have a part in it, and show off your artistic talents. So how do you see or envision the characters of Obsidian Studios? Do you have a favorite character that you can't wait to see in print!? Let us know the love you have for them, and show it in your artwork. Every person can draw more than one submission, but the best one will be chosen to go into the artbook. Your name, website, and email will be shown so that folks that see it and like your art will be able to contact you, and you can get more exposure.
This book will be seen at WonderCon next year where we hope to really put Obsidian Studios on the map, and get it out there to the public, so your work will definitely be seen. We will be picking one awesome and amazing entry. This entry if it is chosen will be made into a limited edition print, and we will give that print, along with a signed copy of White Ninja Guy: One Shot, and the Obsidian Studios Artbook to the winner. Along with a few other surprises. This is hopefully going to inspire you guys to submit your best work.
There are stipulations... Send your completed submissions to our email address: If you would like to you can submit your entry on DA as well. But it will NOT be official if it is not sent to our email address. NO NUDITY!!! And No over accentuation of certain body parts. That's all I ask. Everything else goes. So use your imagination, and go wild. I hope you guys will be willing to participate, and give us the best you can offer. The deadline is October 15, 2010 at Midnight. So you have until the end of the summer to get this done, and you are able to submit more than one art piece. The best of all the submissions if there is more than one will be submitted in the artbook.
The Black Dame Script is DONE!!!
The first 10 page script of the Black Dame is completed, and now we are going to be working hard on concept pictures and photos, as well as a new print. I had sooo much fun doing the script, and the story I hope is one that you guys will like. More stuff will be revealed soon.
Obsidian Studios Publications
We are working now on an Obsidian Studios Artbook which will showcase the concept artwork, stories and fan art of Obsidian Studios, and you Moonwatchers. The contest above is for the Moonwatchers to take a part of, so spread the word. Another project we are working on is an artbook and sketchbook of Ian Walker. The sketchbook will be an 24 page black and white sketchbook of all my unseen sketches, and the like. The artbook will be a full color artbook of all the art I have done past and present. Most of the art will have never been seen before, and there will be some that is familiar. We are hoping to have the sketchbook out really soon, and the Artbook will be released at WonderCon. So stay tuned for more, and we will be sure to keep you all updated.
New Cover Artist for Obsidian Studios
I would like to take the time now to introduce a new cover artist that is a part of Obsidian Studios on a trial basis. He will be doing a variant cover for the Obsidian Studios title called The Seven! I would like to introduce you all to Carlos Hernandez! He is a great and amazing artist, and his was a talent that I could not let go to waste. If all goes well with this, he will be chosen to do the remaining 7 issue covers of our books. We really look forward to working with him and getting some really great work and amazing artwork. For those of you not familiar with Carlos and his work, go check out his Deviant Art page, and see the talent this guy has! His anime style is indeed insane, and is going to be a unique variant of our story representation. Go check out Carlos now ---------> Carlos' Deviant Art Page
All of us here at Obsidian Studios are going to continue to do our best to keep you guys up to date with the progress of our projects, and the things we want to do for our fans. Hopefully this will get you as excited about our stories as we are. In the coming weeks there will be some exclusive, yet few new concept artwork for all the stories we are working on. We can't show you everything, I mean we need to keep some for the artbook. But there will be more seen soon, that we promise! Thanks again so much for your patience, and for following us. Talk with you all again soon!
Ian Walker
Obsidian Studios
This is a contest where EVERYONE is a winner so to speak. We folks here at Obsidian Studios are going to be creating an artbook that will be showcasing the new stories and such from the studio. We want to have a section for Fan Art, and we want you all to have a part in it, and show off your artistic talents. So how do you see or envision the characters of Obsidian Studios? Do you have a favorite character that you can't wait to see in print!? Let us know the love you have for them, and show it in your artwork. Every person can draw more than one submission, but the best one will be chosen to go into the artbook. Your name, website, and email will be shown so that folks that see it and like your art will be able to contact you, and you can get more exposure.
This book will be seen at WonderCon next year where we hope to really put Obsidian Studios on the map, and get it out there to the public, so your work will definitely be seen. We will be picking one awesome and amazing entry. This entry if it is chosen will be made into a limited edition print, and we will give that print, along with a signed copy of White Ninja Guy: One Shot, and the Obsidian Studios Artbook to the winner. Along with a few other surprises. This is hopefully going to inspire you guys to submit your best work.
There are stipulations... Send your completed submissions to our email address: If you would like to you can submit your entry on DA as well. But it will NOT be official if it is not sent to our email address. NO NUDITY!!! And No over accentuation of certain body parts. That's all I ask. Everything else goes. So use your imagination, and go wild. I hope you guys will be willing to participate, and give us the best you can offer. The deadline is October 15, 2010 at Midnight. So you have until the end of the summer to get this done, and you are able to submit more than one art piece. The best of all the submissions if there is more than one will be submitted in the artbook.
The Black Dame Script is DONE!!!
The first 10 page script of the Black Dame is completed, and now we are going to be working hard on concept pictures and photos, as well as a new print. I had sooo much fun doing the script, and the story I hope is one that you guys will like. More stuff will be revealed soon.
Obsidian Studios Publications
We are working now on an Obsidian Studios Artbook which will showcase the concept artwork, stories and fan art of Obsidian Studios, and you Moonwatchers. The contest above is for the Moonwatchers to take a part of, so spread the word. Another project we are working on is an artbook and sketchbook of Ian Walker. The sketchbook will be an 24 page black and white sketchbook of all my unseen sketches, and the like. The artbook will be a full color artbook of all the art I have done past and present. Most of the art will have never been seen before, and there will be some that is familiar. We are hoping to have the sketchbook out really soon, and the Artbook will be released at WonderCon. So stay tuned for more, and we will be sure to keep you all updated.
New Cover Artist for Obsidian Studios
I would like to take the time now to introduce a new cover artist that is a part of Obsidian Studios on a trial basis. He will be doing a variant cover for the Obsidian Studios title called The Seven! I would like to introduce you all to Carlos Hernandez! He is a great and amazing artist, and his was a talent that I could not let go to waste. If all goes well with this, he will be chosen to do the remaining 7 issue covers of our books. We really look forward to working with him and getting some really great work and amazing artwork. For those of you not familiar with Carlos and his work, go check out his Deviant Art page, and see the talent this guy has! His anime style is indeed insane, and is going to be a unique variant of our story representation. Go check out Carlos now ---------> Carlos' Deviant Art Page
All of us here at Obsidian Studios are going to continue to do our best to keep you guys up to date with the progress of our projects, and the things we want to do for our fans. Hopefully this will get you as excited about our stories as we are. In the coming weeks there will be some exclusive, yet few new concept artwork for all the stories we are working on. We can't show you everything, I mean we need to keep some for the artbook. But there will be more seen soon, that we promise! Thanks again so much for your patience, and for following us. Talk with you all again soon!
Ian Walker
Obsidian Studios
Friday, July 2, 2010
New White Ninja Guy #1 Cover
Here is the new cover that was done last night, on 11 x 17 bristol. Knocked this out in two hours and I'm really pleased with it. I really want you guys feedback on it and let me know what you think. This is going to go through another process soon with toning and color. I will be working on more in the coming weeks all while finishing up the final pages of White Ninja Guy to get ready for the printer, and to bring over to WonderCon! So please Moonwatchers, tell me what you think!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
New Things Happening as well as a Great Cause!
So Moonwatchers, a lot of things have been happening with me. First on a personal level, I finally got a job for the first time in a year and a half. I have to say that not working for that long has taken a toll. But I will be okay I am sure. I am happy that I finally have a job, so there are no complaints here.
As far as Obsidian Studios is concerned, I want everyone to welcome a brand new writer to the Obsidian crew, named Ricky Burnett! He will be the main writer assisting and collaborating with me on the sci-fi/adventure tenetively titled The Seven. We both are going to be communicating and working really hard to get this book off the ground and hoping to have the first issue of the 8 part mini series ready for WonderCon 2011. The White Ninja Guy webcomic hasn't been updated in a few weeks, and that is solely because the book has been in the process of being completed, and put together to be sent to the printer. The final thing we need to do before that is do a new cover which will replace the bland, current cover. But be assured that White Ninja Guy will return soon. We just have a lot on our plates now, and since I now have a job, things may go a bit slower, but hopefully will still go according to plan.
The last thing I wanted to speak on was the involvement of Obsidian Studios with a non-profit organization called House of Imagination. This organization is being run by Alexandria & Gabriel Lamont and is based in Oregon. Their goal is to raise money to build the House of Imagination by means of the $1 Dollar Project, which will help them reach their goals. I encourage you all to take a look at the website, and find out more about what they are doing, as it is so AMAZING! And also it is too much to say in words. Right now too in order to help us out, go and buy the White Ninja Guy comic that I put out over on my ETSY page. ALL PROCEEDS from my ETSY sales will go to this non-profit, and I encourage you all to contribute some artwork, or craft goods, or whatever you can to get this thing off the ground. I guarantee you will be amazed at what these people are trying to put together. You can also visit their blog as well at I knew that I had to be a part of it. $1 is not a lot of money at all, so please lets get this dream going, and help out the Lamonts!
With that said ladies and gents, I will speak with you all later!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
As far as Obsidian Studios is concerned, I want everyone to welcome a brand new writer to the Obsidian crew, named Ricky Burnett! He will be the main writer assisting and collaborating with me on the sci-fi/adventure tenetively titled The Seven. We both are going to be communicating and working really hard to get this book off the ground and hoping to have the first issue of the 8 part mini series ready for WonderCon 2011. The White Ninja Guy webcomic hasn't been updated in a few weeks, and that is solely because the book has been in the process of being completed, and put together to be sent to the printer. The final thing we need to do before that is do a new cover which will replace the bland, current cover. But be assured that White Ninja Guy will return soon. We just have a lot on our plates now, and since I now have a job, things may go a bit slower, but hopefully will still go according to plan.
The last thing I wanted to speak on was the involvement of Obsidian Studios with a non-profit organization called House of Imagination. This organization is being run by Alexandria & Gabriel Lamont and is based in Oregon. Their goal is to raise money to build the House of Imagination by means of the $1 Dollar Project, which will help them reach their goals. I encourage you all to take a look at the website, and find out more about what they are doing, as it is so AMAZING! And also it is too much to say in words. Right now too in order to help us out, go and buy the White Ninja Guy comic that I put out over on my ETSY page. ALL PROCEEDS from my ETSY sales will go to this non-profit, and I encourage you all to contribute some artwork, or craft goods, or whatever you can to get this thing off the ground. I guarantee you will be amazed at what these people are trying to put together. You can also visit their blog as well at I knew that I had to be a part of it. $1 is not a lot of money at all, so please lets get this dream going, and help out the Lamonts!
With that said ladies and gents, I will speak with you all later!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Saturday, June 19, 2010
ETSY's Artist Alley this SATURDAY!!!
Hey folks, it's me Ian Walker here again. I just wanted to let you guys know that this Saturday beginning between 10 & 11 am PST, I will be opening a chatroom over on ETSY that is dedicated to selling all sorts of artwork. This can be drawings, paintings, and some photography. The focus of the room is to create a place where artists can come to show off each others work, and make some real money doing so. Of course those that don't have cash can come in and ask questions about what the artists do, and we will answer your questions as best we can.
I myself will be there selling my stuff from within my store, as well as taking commissions for original art pieces. To check out the action, go to in the Community section and click Chat. The name of the room will be called ETSY Artist Alley. Think of this as a mini comic con held within the ominous webspace that is ETSY. This is the first test of an idea that I have had going on in my head for a very long time. If this works, then I can move forward. But I cannot reveal what that idea is but if this works out, ideas will be said soon. Until then, I hope that you all will be there to check it out! See you Saturday!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
I myself will be there selling my stuff from within my store, as well as taking commissions for original art pieces. To check out the action, go to in the Community section and click Chat. The name of the room will be called ETSY Artist Alley. Think of this as a mini comic con held within the ominous webspace that is ETSY. This is the first test of an idea that I have had going on in my head for a very long time. If this works, then I can move forward. But I cannot reveal what that idea is but if this works out, ideas will be said soon. Until then, I hope that you all will be there to check it out! See you Saturday!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Friday, June 18, 2010
Back into Photography!!!
Hey folks, I know that I haven't been online too much lately, but there are still things happening in the Obsidian Studios front. Right now, you will be pleased to know that soon we may have a new writer joining us as the writer of the Black Dame comic coming soon. So I am really excited about that. On a personal note, I have finally gotten a job, and will be online a bit less, but instead using the time offline to get things done for Obsidian Studios, and pimping it more so out to the public.
My wife just bought me a new camera, and so soon, you will be seeing me putting my hands back into the world of photography which had to take an unfortunate hiatus when my last 35mm got stolen. But now, I have a NIKON D3000 SLR camera, and I will be taking some monster pics with it soon. All nature, and people, and other things as well. So stay tuned for more of that stuff!
I have also been toying with a newer fresher style for White Ninja Guy. The comic has not been updated, as you have probably noticed, but the pages are near completion. After which, we will be designing a new cover for the first issue, and begin work on Issue 2. I hope to have a fresher and bolder look to the book this time around, and hope to stay consistent with it, as that has been an issue of the past issue, and has been a regular concern for those that have read the book. Below are some prelim sketches that I did, using tone as well as an idea for what I may go for. The color mind you is for Cover ideas. The Black and white is mostly what will be for the interiors.
We want to hear from you. Spread the word, and tell us what you think so far! Thank you so much Moonwatchers for your continued patience and support! Talk to you all later!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
My wife just bought me a new camera, and so soon, you will be seeing me putting my hands back into the world of photography which had to take an unfortunate hiatus when my last 35mm got stolen. But now, I have a NIKON D3000 SLR camera, and I will be taking some monster pics with it soon. All nature, and people, and other things as well. So stay tuned for more of that stuff!
I have also been toying with a newer fresher style for White Ninja Guy. The comic has not been updated, as you have probably noticed, but the pages are near completion. After which, we will be designing a new cover for the first issue, and begin work on Issue 2. I hope to have a fresher and bolder look to the book this time around, and hope to stay consistent with it, as that has been an issue of the past issue, and has been a regular concern for those that have read the book. Below are some prelim sketches that I did, using tone as well as an idea for what I may go for. The color mind you is for Cover ideas. The Black and white is mostly what will be for the interiors.
We want to hear from you. Spread the word, and tell us what you think so far! Thank you so much Moonwatchers for your continued patience and support! Talk to you all later!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Sunday, June 6, 2010
New Items up in my ETSY Store.
So a bit of a stall in sales has been going on in my ETSY store, but I think it will pick up more when Fathers Day comes. I'm going to be doing individual commissions, and opening those up, and I hope some folks will respond. In the mean time, I put up some new pieces in my store. Check them out here, and when your ready, go to my ETSY store and check them out. Now if none of these pieces are to your fancy, let me know, and we can get a personal commission done! Check out my ad here!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Commissions done tonight on Sketchin It'!
I want to take the time to thank Thistledown, and TwitchySensei for Retweeting, and coming through to the show tonight. I really appreciate it. Not much was done tonight except my commissions that I needed to get done for FranticPen. He wanted Magma, and White Queen. I had a lot of artistic freedom with these, so I decided to go ahead and do two different styles to keep myself versatile. White Queen was done in an anime style, while Magma was done in my personal style, but I made an attempt at a background to make for a bolder piece. I hope he likes them, and I hope you guys will too. Be sure to let me know what you think. Thanks a lot, and see you next week on Sketchin It!
Talk to you later,
Ian W.
Talk to you later,
Ian W.
The Next Comic Title from Obsidian Studios is...
This is a character that I have had floating in my head for the last year or two. Inspired by the detective movies of the 1930's and 40's, as well as their beautiful sirens such as Audrey Hepburn, Ava Gardner and Sophia Loren, I decided that I wanted to create a pulp noir fiction comic where the main character was a strong witty female lead. The name of the character is named after two women in my life. One being my beautiful wife, and the other who is sort of like a sister to me.
Currently, the script is in the writing phase and I will be writing the story and collaborating with other writers in the hopes of creating a good story that will keep you guys attention. Hopefully I will be able to be ahead of schedule a bit with White Ninja Guy so that I can make a nice sized buffer for the Black Dame and the schedule will be uninterrupted for a few months. The plan for this web comic is to have a nice mix of action, comedy, and story to make a unique and compelling adventure.
The web comic will be a one-shot issue and will begin to be online starting September of 2010. The day of the week where there will be updates weekly has yet to be decided. But when it is, I will let you know. The end of the issue will be in March, and will be available in print in April 2011 and premiering at WonderCon in San Francisco. Up until the release of the comic online, every art order, or product order from Obsidian Studios will come with this promotion print. The unique thing about this book, is that the new and current Moonwatchers (Obsidian Studios Fans) will be able to let me know if they want to see this story move forward and become a full graphic novel. But it will not go forward if it is not demanded by the Moonwatchers! This is your chance to be part of our creative process and have a voice.
In the next few weeks there will be more information regarding the Black Dame, as well as some artwork involving the creation of the character to wet your appetites. In the meantime Moonwatchers, tell me what you guys think! Can't wait to hear from you!
Talk to you soon,
Ian W.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
BobaFett Matted... I'm addicted.
Just wanted to show off some pics of the new BobaFett piece that I did and got matted in black. It looks soooo sexy. If my space weren't a kitchen table, I would have kept it for myself. It measures in total 8 x 10 with the matte, and 5.5 x 8.5 without it. A great framer at my local artstore named Carly helped me out, and cut out the sheets for me and did everything. She was great, and I'm definitely going back.
This item is for sale right now in my ETSY store if anyone is interested in purchasing it. I can assure you the pictures do not do this thing justice. Let me know what you guys think. And keep it up, I may have to do a contest for all you Moonwatchers out there to get one of these bad boys!
Be Back Later,
Ian W.
Captain James T. Kirk
Monday, May 24, 2010
Permanent Personal Sketch Card Commission Prices
Yes, so again gauging what I have been doing over the past few months, and the market of PSC's themselves, I think that it is time to finally put down a permanent price on my sketch cards, and all my return cards that I may do for a set. It's better for everyone that wants to collect in the long run, and I believe more convenient. So here is the major breakdown...
Personal Sketch Card Commissions
Every sketch card that I do will be done on my personal card stock as seen below.
The pricing for the sketch card commissions are as follows:
Pencil Sketch Card: $10
B&W Inked Sketch Card: $15
Full Color Sketch Card: $20
Return Cards on Major Sets:
Pencil Return Card: $25
B&W Inked Return Card: $30
Full Color Return Card: $40
These prices will NEVER go up, and they will NEVER be lowered as quality and time are always in consideration with any piece of artwork that I do. All shipping charges for commissions will be a FLAT $5 whether in the US or International, and there is no limit to the amount of cards you can purchase. I simply ask that you allow me time to complete them, and other potential clients if I have a list.
To obtain a commission from me, all that is needed is an email of whatever card you would like to have done, and any necessary references. If I need more reference, I will contact you and let you know. PAYPAL, CHECK, and MONEY ORDER is allowed, however PAYPAL is the preferred method of payment as it is a lot easier to track. Checks and Money Orders need to be cleared before I begin the project. So if you want it done immediately, then it would be best to do PayPal.
I will be keeping a list of all my clients, so from now on, you will receive an email regarding the status of your commission from when Payment is Cleared, when work is Finished, and then for when the work is shipped. Turnaround time for sketch card commissions will be between 7-21 days, NO EXCEPTIONS. If for any reason, I do NOT fulfill my obligation to you as a client and the cards are not in your hands within 21 days after payment is received, you will get DOUBLE your money back, as well as your cards that you contracted me to do. There is nothing to lose here. Every paid transaction will be considered a signed agreement to the terms and conditions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at my email at:
Also, please visit my DA page for a gallery of the work that I can do. This page along with other links can be found in links on the side of the blog page.
Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this post.
Ian Walker
Obsidian Studios
Personal Sketch Card Commissions
Every sketch card that I do will be done on my personal card stock as seen below.
The pricing for the sketch card commissions are as follows:
Pencil Sketch Card: $10
B&W Inked Sketch Card: $15
Full Color Sketch Card: $20
Return Cards on Major Sets:
Pencil Return Card: $25
B&W Inked Return Card: $30
Full Color Return Card: $40
These prices will NEVER go up, and they will NEVER be lowered as quality and time are always in consideration with any piece of artwork that I do. All shipping charges for commissions will be a FLAT $5 whether in the US or International, and there is no limit to the amount of cards you can purchase. I simply ask that you allow me time to complete them, and other potential clients if I have a list.
To obtain a commission from me, all that is needed is an email of whatever card you would like to have done, and any necessary references. If I need more reference, I will contact you and let you know. PAYPAL, CHECK, and MONEY ORDER is allowed, however PAYPAL is the preferred method of payment as it is a lot easier to track. Checks and Money Orders need to be cleared before I begin the project. So if you want it done immediately, then it would be best to do PayPal.
I will be keeping a list of all my clients, so from now on, you will receive an email regarding the status of your commission from when Payment is Cleared, when work is Finished, and then for when the work is shipped. Turnaround time for sketch card commissions will be between 7-21 days, NO EXCEPTIONS. If for any reason, I do NOT fulfill my obligation to you as a client and the cards are not in your hands within 21 days after payment is received, you will get DOUBLE your money back, as well as your cards that you contracted me to do. There is nothing to lose here. Every paid transaction will be considered a signed agreement to the terms and conditions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at my email at:
Also, please visit my DA page for a gallery of the work that I can do. This page along with other links can be found in links on the side of the blog page.
Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this post.
Ian Walker
Obsidian Studios
Saturday, May 22, 2010
New Chibi Sketch Cards! Check em out!
Here are some new sketch cards that I did in my chibi style. I did a Darth Talon here, but the others are part of a JLA Chibi set that I am working on currently. Let me know what you think guys.
Friday, May 21, 2010
New White Ninja Guy Page Up NOW!!! Check it out!
Hey folks, what's going on!? Just stopping through to let you guys know that a new page of White Ninja Guy is up and ready for your viewing pleasure. Please leave some comments anywhere to let me know how I'm doing, and how you like the progression of the comic. I have been trying really hard to make sure that I make some sort of improvement, and try out new things as well in all my comic pages, to make it an experience of growth, and hopefully great story telling on a concept that is so familiar. So the feedback of you all as fans means a lot to me.
As far as new things going on and announcements, the first issue cover will be redone completely, and I will be doing a cover myself, and then designing a variant cover, which will allow me to draw whatever a sketch on it. These will only be limited to 100 copies during the con season. 50 copies at APE, and 50 copies at WonderCon. So the new cover for the first Issue Heritage will be revealed really soon, and will be the cover that will be used to go to print. So stay tuned for that as well. More announcements will be revealed in the coming months in regard to Obsidian Studios, so please bear with us and keep us bookmarked. Thank you all so much for your support.
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
As far as new things going on and announcements, the first issue cover will be redone completely, and I will be doing a cover myself, and then designing a variant cover, which will allow me to draw whatever a sketch on it. These will only be limited to 100 copies during the con season. 50 copies at APE, and 50 copies at WonderCon. So the new cover for the first Issue Heritage will be revealed really soon, and will be the cover that will be used to go to print. So stay tuned for that as well. More announcements will be revealed in the coming months in regard to Obsidian Studios, so please bear with us and keep us bookmarked. Thank you all so much for your support.
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Friday, May 14, 2010
New White Ninja Guy Page and Features!!!
Hey folks, go and check out the newest page of White Ninja Guy up now at We are very close to the end of the first comic issue, and I am very excited. The pace of the story is going well, and I believe that it has been set up nicely, and gives a tell about the direction and mood of the book as a whole.
There are some new changes on the White Ninja Guy site, as now there are a lot of new icons for voting, and now there is a Donation button. All the money donated will be used toward the continued production of White Ninja Guy, and other Obsidian Studios projects and endeavors. Those that donate $5 or more will receive a wallpaper as a thank you for donating and keeping it going. I have also put White Ninja Guy up on some webcomic list sites. So please vote on the comic to move it up in the list, and to help get the word out. Also if there are any other places that I do not know about or that you think can help White Ninja Guy get moved forward and known, please let me know. I really appreciate it.
So enough talk for today guys. Get out there and read, vote, and spread the word!
White Ninja Guy: ONE SHOT still on sale in the ETSY Store! Get your autographed copy and receive a free sketch card from either Ian Walker, or Lance Sawyer!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
There are some new changes on the White Ninja Guy site, as now there are a lot of new icons for voting, and now there is a Donation button. All the money donated will be used toward the continued production of White Ninja Guy, and other Obsidian Studios projects and endeavors. Those that donate $5 or more will receive a wallpaper as a thank you for donating and keeping it going. I have also put White Ninja Guy up on some webcomic list sites. So please vote on the comic to move it up in the list, and to help get the word out. Also if there are any other places that I do not know about or that you think can help White Ninja Guy get moved forward and known, please let me know. I really appreciate it.
So enough talk for today guys. Get out there and read, vote, and spread the word!
White Ninja Guy: ONE SHOT still on sale in the ETSY Store! Get your autographed copy and receive a free sketch card from either Ian Walker, or Lance Sawyer!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Monday, May 10, 2010
Help me get to the Comic-Cons this year!!!
So I am going to need some assistance from you guys in helping me get to the different comic cons this year. I have created a donation button, and so if you can donate anything to help me get there, I will appreciate it. I hope to have Issue 1 of White Ninja Guy there at APE Con this year as well as ONE SHOT. But I will be doing Con sketches and commissions as well. Thanks so much.
Friday, May 7, 2010
New White Ninja Guy Page Up Now!
Hey folks, just wanted to drop a reminder that there is a new page of White Ninja Guy up right now. The answers to the origins of White Ninja Guy are about to be revealed. So tune in every Friday for these next 6 weeks, to get a look at the final 6 pages of our first issue, and begin the adventure! Thanks again for stopping through, and please please please leave comments, bookmark, and whatever else you need to do to keep tabs on us! Thanks again, and be back next week!
White Ninja Guy - Page 18 ------>
White Ninja Guy - Page 18 ------>
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen, Obsidian Studios presents the first ever title of our studio, White Ninja Guy - One Shot! This is a 36 pg black and white comic about my original character White Ninja Guy. This comic has been 3 years in the making and is FINALLY available now for you all to order! I am the writer and creator of this comic, along with Brandon Smith, and Cover Artist Lance Sawyer. This comic is available now at ComicsMonkey, and
However! If you order through my ETSY Store, you will not only receive the signed book which is signed by the whole crew, but also a special surprise as a thank you for your support! Please go and check it out, and order today! And a special thank you to all that have helped keep me going in this journey thus far! I really appreciate it!
Obsidian Studios ETSY Store ----->; -----> ----->
I want to say thank you soooo much for your patience and support! I could not have continued on with this without you guys.
Ian Walker
Obsidian Studios
However! If you order through my ETSY Store, you will not only receive the signed book which is signed by the whole crew, but also a special surprise as a thank you for your support! Please go and check it out, and order today! And a special thank you to all that have helped keep me going in this journey thus far! I really appreciate it!
Obsidian Studios ETSY Store ----->; -----> ----->
I want to say thank you soooo much for your patience and support! I could not have continued on with this without you guys.
Ian Walker
Obsidian Studios
Saturday, May 1, 2010
New Cards done during Sketchin It!
Here are some new cards that I did this week during my webshow! Two commissions, and two PSC's in 3 hours. I think I did good!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Chibi Colossus Sketch Card
If you guys missed me earlier today, here is the recorded video of me doing my Chibi Colossus sketch card. Hope you guys enjoy!
When X-Chibis Attack
Sup Guys! Got some new artwork here I wanted to show off. I have been working on a chibi style that I can call my own for the past few months now, and I have the confidence now to show it off to you guys here. These are the first two of many to come sketch cards of superheroes starting with the X-Men.
Both of these cards are for sale in my ETSY Store if any of you guys are interested!
Friday, April 23, 2010
New Episode of Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker
Hey guys, I'm here to let you know real quick that there will be another episode of Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker tonight. Hope you guys can come and hang out. I am taking commissions, and perhaps I can do them tonight on the show. Otherwise, just come and hang out. See you there tonight at 5:30 PST!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
$5.00 Sketch Card Sale in ETSY Store!!!
Just wanted to take the time to let you guys know that I have some select sketch cards on sale for only $5 in my Obsidian Studios ETSY Store! I have only a few posted currently, but when they sell, I will post more! So please stop by and check them out, and buy if interested! The quicker these are gone, the faster the next batch will be up! Thanks a lot folks, and I hope you guys find something you like!
Obsidian Studios ETSY STORE
Obsidian Studios ETSY STORE
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Off to the Printer It GOES!!!
Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, White Ninja Guy - One Shot #0 is off to the printer, and I can't be more excited! I hope to get a release date on these books soon as to when they will be sent to me. I hope to have them soon. But as promised, those of you that have visited my blog and such know that those who sign up will have the first crack at the pre-order before it is announced to everyone else for pre-order May 1st 2010. So if any of you wish to pre-order a copy or two of the books, please send me an email, and I will put you on the list. When a date is given of when the books will be in my hands, I will then send you information on where to send the payment.
And now for pricing!
Regular Copy of One Shot - $3.99
Autographed Copy of One Shot (Ian Walker & Lance Sawyer) - $6.99
Autographed Copy of One Shot w/ Black & White SketchCard - $16.99
The sketch card will be original work on a 2.5 x 3.5 Obsidian Studio sketch card stock and is available only with the purchase of the Autographed copy at $10. Any sketch card requested without the comic B&W is the original $15. If you have a question, please do not hesitate to send me an E-Mail.
I am very excited about this folks, and I cannot wait to show White Ninja Guy to the world. I hope to get a lot of orders, and I would like to thank you all for your support!
Ian W.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Namor & Sue...
Here is another sketch card I did on the fly... Still having fun with this stock for sure. Let me know what you think! This is for sale at the Obsidian Studios Etsy Store, so grab it if you want it!!!
New Personal Sketch Cards For Sale
This weekend's sketch card commission weekend was a bust. Not a single commission, however, I STILL got some artwork done. Here are two sketch cards that were done during my show Friday night, and then another on Sunday night. These cards will be up for sale at my ETSY Store TODAY. So if you are interested in them, go ahead and buy them there!
In the meantime, let me know what you guys think! Thanks, and see you all on Friday!
Ian W.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Darkmyster's Sketch Card Commission Weekend!!!
Hey folks, what's going on!? I just wanted to let everyone know that tonight at 5:30 PST I will be casting live and taking commissions for sketch cards on my show. The show will be on U-Stream at my show Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker. I got some new stock, and so here are some pics of the cards I will be drawing them on.
Each card will be $30 for a Full color sketch card commission, and $15 for an inked single color card. Please send payment to my PayPal address: [email][/email].
I will be taking commissions until 10pm PST and then tomorrow, I will be on again from 11am - 2pm PST then returning at 6pm-10pm PST. If you would like a commission, I will be making a list of commissioners. Please let me know what kind of commission you want. I will not begin the card until payment is received. Please spread the word, and I hope to hear and talk with some of you online soon!
U-Stream Link:
Ian W.
Each card will be $30 for a Full color sketch card commission, and $15 for an inked single color card. Please send payment to my PayPal address: [email][/email].
I will be taking commissions until 10pm PST and then tomorrow, I will be on again from 11am - 2pm PST then returning at 6pm-10pm PST. If you would like a commission, I will be making a list of commissioners. Please let me know what kind of commission you want. I will not begin the card until payment is received. Please spread the word, and I hope to hear and talk with some of you online soon!
U-Stream Link:
Ian W.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New Etsy Store Items
Hey folks, just letting you all know that I have some new items up on my Etsy store. The sketch cards I did of the characters from Bleach as well as some other original artwork is in my store ready to be shipped out.
I am also taking commissions now, so if you are interested, please let me know by dropping me an email -
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
I am also taking commissions now, so if you are interested, please let me know by dropping me an email -
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sketchin It Interview w/ Jeff Lafferty
For those of you that couldn't make it to the show Friday night, here it is for you, the interview with Jeff Lafferty on Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker. Jeff is a great guy with a lot of knowledge, and I hope you all learn a little something from him!
Show Notes: Jeff Lafferty Illustration
Free TV Show from Ustream
Also here is the finished product of the sketch card that was done tonight!
Show Notes: Jeff Lafferty Illustration
Free TV Show from Ustream
Also here is the finished product of the sketch card that was done tonight!
Friday, April 9, 2010
New White Ninja Guy, and Jeff Lafferty on Sketchin It!!!
A new page of White Ninja Guy is up today! So check it out so that we can have something to talk about during the show tonight!
Jeff Lafferty is going to be interviewed tonight on Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker, so come check it out and get your questions ready. I will be taking questions over Twitter, and in the chat room. During the interview, I will be doing a sketch card commission. Then during the second half of the show, I will do some Cartoon Sketch Cards from the Breygent set that I have been working on. So come over and check out the show, tonight at 5:30 PST over on U-Stream!
If you happen to miss the interview, you can catch it Saturday here at the Obsidian Studios Blog. Hope to see you guys there tonight!
Talk to you later,
Ian W.
Jeff Lafferty is going to be interviewed tonight on Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker, so come check it out and get your questions ready. I will be taking questions over Twitter, and in the chat room. During the interview, I will be doing a sketch card commission. Then during the second half of the show, I will do some Cartoon Sketch Cards from the Breygent set that I have been working on. So come over and check out the show, tonight at 5:30 PST over on U-Stream!
If you happen to miss the interview, you can catch it Saturday here at the Obsidian Studios Blog. Hope to see you guys there tonight!
Talk to you later,
Ian W.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dinos & Angels are done!!!
I'm still here, and I'm still around. Unfortunately though, I can't post any of the cards here on my blog which kind of makes me sad. But upon approval, I will post them up on my Deviant Art site. So with that being said, be sure to look and watch out for the cards.
A new White Ninja Guy page will be up this Friday, and right now, I am going to be concentrating on the next two sketch card sets I will be working on for Breygent Marketing; Golden Age of Comics & Cartoons. Hopefully I can knock this set out of the park and satisfy not only the big boss, but the sketch card collectors out there as well.
Coming soon after all of the hulla baloo, I will be working on a You Tube video mini-series designed for artists, and art collectors and anyone that like a bit of humor, and stuff from the heart as it were. But I hope it will change some opinions, and open the eyes of a lot of people artists and collectors alike. Pretty much all of my experiences, and knowledge and advice crammed into 10 minutes of video that you can either take to heart and apply, or just ignore. It is up to you. But hopefully, you will enjoy it. With that said, see you all soon!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
A new White Ninja Guy page will be up this Friday, and right now, I am going to be concentrating on the next two sketch card sets I will be working on for Breygent Marketing; Golden Age of Comics & Cartoons. Hopefully I can knock this set out of the park and satisfy not only the big boss, but the sketch card collectors out there as well.
Coming soon after all of the hulla baloo, I will be working on a You Tube video mini-series designed for artists, and art collectors and anyone that like a bit of humor, and stuff from the heart as it were. But I hope it will change some opinions, and open the eyes of a lot of people artists and collectors alike. Pretty much all of my experiences, and knowledge and advice crammed into 10 minutes of video that you can either take to heart and apply, or just ignore. It is up to you. But hopefully, you will enjoy it. With that said, see you all soon!
Ian W.
Obsidian Studios
Friday, March 5, 2010
Interview w/ Jon Riggle on Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker
For those of you that missed the show, here is the interview with Jon Riggle! Hope you all enjoy it, and see you all next Friday!
Free video chat by Ustream
Free video chat by Ustream
The White Ninja Guy is BACK!!!
After a long time of preparation, and hiatus in order to get White Ninja Guy#0 finished, the 14th page of the Heritage storyline is finally online! Please go check out the new page at and let me know what you think, and please spread the word! After this story is complete, which will be at the end of April, I will be bringing Issue 1 to print, and then ready to show to the masses as well. This will incur yet another break for all of May as I will be attending Fanime, and getting Issue 1 prepped for the printer. White Ninja Guy will then return again in time for the Summer which will be either June or July, depending on what is happening with my schedule, and we will begin with Issue 2. I am really excited about all of the things taking place right now, and I hope that you all will be interested, and enjoy it enough to tell others about it.
Also, a really quick reminder to you all that tonight, I will be doing my show Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker over on U-Stream, and I will be doing a Skype interview w/ Jon Riggle! So get any questions you have ready, and be there! I will be taking commissions, as well as doing some work on a few of my sketch cards which are a part of 2 pro sets that I am on; Damsels & Dinosaurs and Rantz Angels. I am excited to be working on these projects, and would love for you all to join me as I prepare and create these cards. But if there is anyone of you that would like to get a commission done, please let me know, and I can get you on the list, and possibly your card will be done live on the show! So with that said, I hope to see you all tonight, and a HUGE thanks again to you Moonwatchers!
Ian W.
Also, a really quick reminder to you all that tonight, I will be doing my show Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker over on U-Stream, and I will be doing a Skype interview w/ Jon Riggle! So get any questions you have ready, and be there! I will be taking commissions, as well as doing some work on a few of my sketch cards which are a part of 2 pro sets that I am on; Damsels & Dinosaurs and Rantz Angels. I am excited to be working on these projects, and would love for you all to join me as I prepare and create these cards. But if there is anyone of you that would like to get a commission done, please let me know, and I can get you on the list, and possibly your card will be done live on the show! So with that said, I hope to see you all tonight, and a HUGE thanks again to you Moonwatchers!
Ian W.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Print for Fanime 2010
One of a few prints that I am producing for Fanime 2010. This is brand new artwork done this year, and hopefully folks will be interested. If for some reason, we don't make it to Fanime, then I will still be selling this print to those who are interested in buying. Hope you guys like the print. I'm proud of it personally.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
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Blog Archive
- Commissions done tonight on Sketchin It'!
- The Next Comic Title from Obsidian Studios is...
- BobaFett Matted... I'm addicted.
- Captain James T. Kirk
- Permanent Personal Sketch Card Commission Prices
- New Chibi Sketch Cards! Check em out!
- New White Ninja Guy Page Up NOW!!! Check it out!
- New White Ninja Guy Page and Features!!!
- Help me get to the Comic-Cons this year!!!
- New White Ninja Guy Page Up Now!
- New Cards done during Sketchin It!
- Chibi Colossus Sketch Card
- When X-Chibis Attack
- New Episode of Sketchin It w/ Ian Walker
- $5.00 Sketch Card Sale in ETSY Store!!!
- Off to the Printer It GOES!!!
- Namor & Sue...
- New Personal Sketch Cards For Sale
- Darkmyster's Sketch Card Commission Weekend!!!
- New Etsy Store Items
- Sketchin It Interview w/ Jeff Lafferty
- New White Ninja Guy, and Jeff Lafferty on Sketchin...