Don’t know if you guys have noticed at all, but the logo for
Obsidian Studios is changed yet again! That means with this year, and the
changes that I have implemented, there will be a new comic logo, and other
stuff as well that will be new. With these changes, I wanted to put up a new
blog update about the current changes within Obsidian Studios and the changes
that will be coming about really soon.
Right now, The Swaggernauts is in high gear, and the third
page of the book is up today, and will be continuing to be going up every
Friday! The book has gotten good response as far as the look is concerned.
Folks like the polished and ‘clean’ look to the book. The promotions for it are
going at a steady pace as well. The Swaggernaut t-shirt line based on the
comics is also in full swing as well. Thus far I have been able to sell a total
of 20 shirts. This is on the local level so I think that this is a good thing.
The next step is to do a full blown marketing campaign after the fourth page is
up and really work on getting the word out about the comic.

Until then I will be inking more pages, and drawing more
pages until the end of the project. I’m anticipating big things happening with
this book, and I know for a fact that 2013 is indeed the year of the
Swaggernauts. To keep up with all things Swaggernauts, be sure to follow the
Facebook page, as well as the Instagram page, and their Twitter. All of these
will be updated, and revamped. The Swaggernauts themselves will be operating
these social media outlets and letting you all in on their lives here on Earth.
On another note, I went to the comic shop today, and picked
up a copy of a book that’s supposed purpose is to talk about creator owned
comics and things of that nature. After reading the book and giving it a shot
in my subscription box, I came to the conclusion that there was not a REAL
magazine that was a source and haven for independent comic artists to shine and
show off their works. I felt that I needed to do something about this, and with
the encouragement of my fellows at my comic shop, I have decided that I will be
putting together a magazine that will be dedicated to the comic creators, and
their fans. As well as those that want to join those ranks. The name of the
magazine has yet to be named, but more will be revealed about this venture in
For now, this is all I have for you. I appreciate the loyal
base that I have here, whether you are following the blog, or just remember to
stop by on a regular basis, I appreciate the patience and understanding. This
year, I plan on doing a better job with keeping up with these blogs, and making
things interesting for you all. Until next time folks, talk with you soon!